Meanwhile, everyone is ignoring the remaining 18 candidates for mayor (OK, Gonzo gets some ink, but...really?) Given what we know about the two media darlings (not that anyone elected Therese Bottomly and Mark Zusman) , doesn't it make sense that at least one, maybe two of them might do a good job of filling the capon-mayor's role. (The mayor won't have a veto over any dumb stuff the 25-percenters on the council will concoct, including throwing money at all of the unions and non-profits that endorsed them).

Short version: other than shooting off his or her mouth, the mayor will not have any real power--something the 25-percenters will quickly figure out.

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Wait a minute Richard. The mayor can hire and fire the city administrator. That’s actually a big deal. The city administrator can either urgently implement or “slow roll” (let it rot in bureaucracy) anything passed by city council. That’s quite a bit of control.

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If Rubio was applying for a State job which required driving a publically funded vehicle she would be denied due to adverse risk.

All .gov stooges and wannabe stooges like Rubio should have to have both a background and credit check performed.

She will run the city like her own fiefdom.

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Having given the matter some thought, I have come to agree that Carmen Rubio is a victim. Carmen Rubio is a victim of her own irresponsibility.

Also, Rubio failed to follow the first rule of crisis management: when you find yourself in a hole of your own making, stop digging. Digging herself deeper into the mess she made is exactly what Rubio did when gave The Oregonian her statement on the scandal. The excuses don't hang together well at all.

First, Rubio sought to relegate the unpleasantness to the distant past, an attempt that didn't survive the chronology The Oregonian’s Shane Kavanaugh put together. Rubio must not have known what he knew.

Next came the hard-to-parse excuse: "[I]n my younger years I put my family financial and career obligations first . . . I now know and try very hard to never put my personal life on the back burner even when times are tough.”

So, in the past she put her family financial obligations first, but she also put her personal life on the back burner? Which was it? It can't be both. How can Rubio insist with a straight face that she was putting her family financial obligations first when she had to shell out about $9,000 to settle 42 unpaid parking tickets, or a little over $200 per ticket? Mind you, those 42 parking tickets represent only 28 percent of the 150 tickets The Oregonian reported Rubio racked up. If Rubio owed $200 for each of those 150 tickets, then the hit to her family finances would have been in the neighborhood of $30,000. Payday lenders and loan sharks would drool at the thought of getting that much vig off of what must have been a fairly low sum before penalties started accruing.

The most galling part of Rubio’s response to her predicament came at the end of her statement: “These are the experiences that have shaped who I am today and also make me a better leader because I have greater empathy for people who have gone through similar things.” Rubio has some nerve treating her own very serious disregard of motor vehicle laws like a mere personal enrichment experience.

Why won’t Rubio level with the voters about the real reasons she compiled such a horrendous record of parking infractions?

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Great recap with just the right amount of panache! Just love her bold-faced lie! "I left a note"..🤣🤣🤣

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