Terrific post.

Wilson is dealing with a nest of political fanatics who have no interest in anything other than their utopian, socialist dreams. They have no respect for any other opinions or those who hold them; anyone who doesn't fall into line will be dealt with according to time-tested socialist practices. Wilson has only demonstrated weakness and a lack of stones to these hard-eyed limousine revolutionaries. They will run him over.

Wilson should have followed Loretta Smith's lead, stood up, demanded to cast the tie-breaking vote and fired city attorney Taylor on the spot. That might have gotten their attention.

Lawyer Taylor essentially rewrote the city charter--basically: you can only break a tie if there's nothing important at stake. If Wilson keeps him it will signal that his "administration" is being run by the inmates.

You can argue about the dollars-and-cents of in-home city employee work, but this is an emotional and moral issue. And it comes down to the question: who are these people actually working for?

Now we know.

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Wilson better get cracking if he wants to win over the farthest left Portland City Council ever elected AND the homeless and drug enabling JVP and her crew at the County He now has 358 days to END unsanctioned camping. I’ve already given up on him.

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