I could not agree more.

First off, the office of Attorney General (like DA or judge) should not be partisan, but it is. I was a declared Democrat for all quarter century I was the elected DA in Astoria. We have excellent AGs who were Republican (Dave Frohnmayer) and Democrat (Hardy Myers). But Dan Rayfield supported legalizing drugs (M 110) and abandoning all the truth in sentencing laws voters overwhelmingly passed. That is why Lathrop is endorsed by almost every DA and Sheriff in Oregon.

Lathrop is a rare opportunity to elect a solid, honest guy who is not looking to make it to DC.

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My family lived next door to Hardy Myers for 50 years. He was a moral and ethical man and would never have allowed some of the crap to go on under his watch.

I had planned to vote for Lanthrop just because of his background and we need diversity in political parties in this state. I’m glad to see this endorsement of him and I will tell my siblings and friends to vote for him also.

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Yep. Unfortunately the majority of the large voting bloc in Portland will just vote for anyone with a (D) next to their name.

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I'm a moderate Dem and Lathrop won my vote.

The man has an outstanding record as a humanitarian, for Pete's sake.

If anyone is a partisan caricature here, it is Lathrop's Democratic opponent. He's another progressive who's going to move in lock step with the state's progressive Democratic machine. I can see him giving the deplorable ex-Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt a policy making role at ODOJ.

Now if only there were moderate non-MAGA Republicans like Lathrop to challenge the progressives who have a stranglehold on Portland. Representative Tawna Sancez and her woke Senate counterpart Lew Frederick do not represent me or my values.

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I had the honor of working for AG Dave Frohnmayer in the 1980s. Oregon DOJ under Ellen Rosenblum bears no resemblance to what it was under Frohnmayer, particularly in the area of law enforcement. Will Lathrop is needed to return integrity, non-partisanship and accountability to the AG’s Office.

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💯 correct: We Need Lathrop in office!!! And- Funny biz pipeline from OR to NM? During covid Patrick M. Allen (a statistician) punished us terrible Oregonians while he was Oregon Health Authority director and Brown’s master. After sensing our independent spirits rising up here he decamped to NM to run their state health authority. Infamously he pushed NM guv to try to ban handguns in Phoenix. Rosa Cazares and Aaron Mitchell pro’ly relocated to New Mexico to cozy up with Patrick M. Allen, and the guv.

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Absolutely! Will Lathrop for Attorney General! Desperately needed in this very corrupt state.

Alongside Dennis Linthicum for Secretary of State!!!!

Two of the VERY best!

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